[2.5] 2021-06-27
New Features:
- Added Drawing
- Added Shapes
- Added Gradient styles, can be added to shapes.
- Added 2021-22 Rotary Theme
- Improved the appearance of crop and object controls.
- Frame will now be re-applied after crop, instead of crop affecting frame itself.
- Controls will now be visible even if they are outside the bounds of canvas.
- It’s now possible to select and change style (color, font, size etc.) for specific letters of text.
- Resizing text via corner handles will now increase/decrease font size instead of scaling text itself.
- Added font size input in text options panel.
- Added undo/redo key binds (ctrl + z and ctrl + shift + z)
- Font selector panel will no longer cover selected text, if there’s enough space to position it side by side.
- Common actions (duplicate, flip, bring to front, delete) will now appear in a floating panel above objects.
- Text editing border will now match accent color of currently active theme.
- Transforms will now work without having image background.
- Improved design of free rotation slider.
- Angle slider will now scale the background image so there are no gaps on canvas when using free rotation.
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed an issue where sometimes style or font would not be changeable for selected text.
- Fixed several issues with crop UI rendering.
- Fixed an issue where font changes on accented characters sometimes would not be reflected in real-time.
- Key binds will now only be executed when app has focus.
- Objects will now be rotated properly relative to their old position on canvas in transform panel.
- Objects panel will now properly sync when undoing and redoing.
- Prevent empty canvas from being added as “initial” history item.
- Fixed an issue with toolbar not rendering properly on mobile.
- Make sure “loading” image animation is played properly after editor is hidden and shown again.
- Prevent zoom from going into negative values.
- Fixed an issue where frames would have gaps on certain frame size or if corner image width/height was not equal.
- Fixed an issue where tool name might not get translated on mobile.
- Fixed some visual issues in text drawer on mobile.
- Fixed an issue where merge tool would leave a small white gap.
- Changing default aspect ratio via API while crop drawer is open will now work properly.